The Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL) Division solicit applications for the Travel Award that will cover the registration fee of graduate students presenting at the 2020 Spring Meeting to be hold in Philadelphia, PA, in March 22-26. To be eligible the student must be an ACS CATL Division Member.
Please send as a single PDF file, in an email attachment:
a) Notice of abstract acceptance for an Oral CATL-sponsored symposium
b) CV of the graduate student
c) Nomination letter from the student's PhD advisor
d) Your ACS Member number
e) Whether or not you have already registered for the ACS Meeting (if you have registered please also send a receipt and your address so we can send you a reimbursement if you are awarded the waiver)
Include CATL REGISTRATION AWARD APPLICATION (in capital letters) as the subject. Forward documentation to the ACS CATL Assistant at
The deadline for application is February 21, 2020 at midnight (CST).
Best regards, David Flaherty
# This Travel award will be reopened for the next national meeting.