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Early Career in Catalysis  

Previous Award Winners

Purpose of the award: 

This award will recognize and encourage accomplishments and innovation of unusual merit by an individual in early stages of their career. A nominee must have received their Ph.D. since January 1, 2014 (requests for extensions in consideration of exceptional life events can be addressed to the Division prior to award submission). A nominee must also have been a member of the ACS Catalysis Science and Technology division for a two-year period preceding their nomination. Creativity and impact of the researcher in the early stages of their independent career along with service to the catalysis community will be the primary criteria for the award. The award will be granted regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, and educational background.

Nomination procedure:

Nominations for the award are due 30 November 2023.

The nomination should include:

● A nomination letter emphasizing the nominee’s achievements relevant to the nomination [1000 words]

● Two letters seconding the nomination [500 words]

● The nominee’s CV [5 pages]

● A complete list of scholarly work relevant to the nomination

● At least one letter writer must be a member of the ACS Division of Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL)


The award will be presented annually at the Fall meeting of the ACS at a special session of the ACS Division of Catalysis Science and Technology. The awardee will receive $1,000 as honorarium and up to $1,500 in travel support.


All nomination packages (collated in a single PDF file) should be sent by email to Prof. William Schneider (, Chair, ACS Catalysis Science and Technology Division.

Please, make sure that nomination packages conform to the requirements described above. Incomplete packages will not be considered.

Selection procedure:

A jury comprising experts from academia, industry and national laboratories selects the awardees. The jury members are asked to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and to disqualify themselves without prejudice when a conflict exists.  The jury is appointed by the Chair of the ACS Catalysis Division who seeks input from the Chair of the Awards Committee and other members of the ACS Catalysis Division Executive Committee.  The identity of the jury members is confidential and only known to the President of the ACS Catalysis Division.  Members of the jury are asked to rank the candidates and provide justification for selecting the top three candidates.  After the first vote the jury may be asked to consider for a second time the candidacy of the top two candidates in selecting an awardee. The award will be granted regardless of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, and educational background. 

2024 Linsey Seitz

2023 AJ Medford

2022 Matteo Cargnello

2021 Rajamani Gounder

2020 Phil Christopher

2019 Yuriy Roman

How do I become eligible for awards?
Join CATL division to nominate and receive awards
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