The Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL) Division solicits applications for CATL-ChemCatBio Graduate Student Travel Awards, covering the registration fee of graduate students presenting at the Fall 2023 ACS National Meeting to be held August 13-17, 2023 in San Francisco, California. Recipients will be recognized at the Division reception to be held the evening of August 14, 2023, at a venue to be announced.
The travel awards aim to further the shared goals of the ACS CATL and ChemCatBio Consortium to provide educational opportunities in catalysis, support professional development of young scientists, and foster diversity and inclusion in chemical process research.
Students must be an ACS CATL Division Member to be eligible. Division membership is free for students; apply for membership here.
Please send as a single PDF file, in an email attachment:
Notice of abstract acceptance for a CATL-sponsored symposium
CV of the graduate student
Nomination letter from the student's PhD advisor
ACS Member numbers of the nominator and the nominee
Include CATL REGISTRATION AWARD APPLICATION (in capital letters) as the subject. Forward documentation to the ACS CATL Assistant at by July 7, 2023.
Applicants are encouraged to register for the meeting in advance and save their receipt. Registration will be reimbursed following the meeting.
Bill Schneider Josh Schaidle
CATL Division Chair ChemCatBio Director