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CATL Division Awards and Call for Symposium Proposals

The Catalysis Science and Technology Division (CATL) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) proudly announces the winners of the Division Awards. These awards distinguish individuals who have demonstrated pioneering research accomplishments in the design or synthesis of catalysts and/or chemical or mechanistic characterization of catalysts leading to recognized advancements in our understanding and application of catalysis.

Congratulations to Prof. Rajamani Gounder, from Purdue University, for receiving the Early Career Award in Catalysis. This award recognizes and encourages accomplishments and innovation of unusual merit by an individual in early stages of their career, emphasizing independence and creativity.

Congratulations to Prof. Dionisios Vlachos, from the University of Delaware, for the award recognizing Exceptional Achievements in Catalysis. This award acknowledges excellence and scientific leadership in catalysis science and technology by an individual, emphasizing the impact of a researcher's work in the broad field of catalytic chemistry and catalytic materials or molecules.

Congratulations to Prof. Thomas Ward, from the University of Basel, for being recognized with the ACS Catalysis Lectureship for the Advancement of Catalytic Science recognizing groundbreaking research that enables better understanding of the links among the various subdisciplines of catalysis and also advances the field of catalysis as a whole. The lectureship is co-sponsored by the ACS Division of Catalysis Science & Technology and the ACS Publications journal ACS Catalysis.

We are now accepting proposals for symposia to be held at the Fall 2021 ACS National Meeting (August 22-26). Creative proposals on topics in catalysis broadly defined (heterogeneous, homogeneous, bio-, photo- and electrochemical catalysis) are welcome. If you are interested in organizing a symposium, please send a symposium title to the Fall Program Chair: Jesse Bond at, and he will then provide you with a symposium proposal template. We will consider any symposia proposals received by February 22, 2021. We are uncertain as to whether the meeting will be held in-person or in online format and we propose to give you an update as we receive more information on the Fall 2021 meeting.

Aditya Bhan

Division Chair

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